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made in Russia

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This website of the company Modular Tornado Systems (“MST”) was created in order to provide Users (individuals and legal entities) with information about the company’s activities and information about goods and services provided by the company. The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only.

Personal data protection guarantees

Modular Tornado Systems Company (“MST”) respects the personal data of Users and guarantees that the information received from you will not be transmitted to third parties without your consent.

The exception is companies acting on the basis of an agreement with Modular Tornado Systems (“MST”), including for the fulfillment of obligations to customers, as well as cases provided for by applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

The company guarantees that the personal data you transfer will be stored and processed in accordance with applicable law.


All materials, characteristics, conditions and prices published on this site are provided as background information, are not a public offer determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and may be changed at any time without notice. For detailed information on the cost, terms and conditions of delivery, please contact the phone numbers and addresses indicated on this website.